Yorkshire Road Sweeper Hire
Road Sweeper Hire Services
Whether you are in the road surfacing/plaining industry, house building, civil engineering or general muck shifting we can cater for your needs.
Our fleet of operated road sweepers have overhead booms for cleaning gullies and high powered hand lances for drives, footpaths and hard to reach areas.

The Importance of Road Sweeping
Without cleaning our roads of rubbish and dust there would be a significant negative impact on our environment, so regular road sweeping is essential.
There are many more benefits of road sweeping, including:
Wildlife & Wellbeing
Litter can be life-threatening for wildlife, with the RSPCA receiving an average of 7,500 calls a year about litter-related incidents. Road sweeping will remove discarded rubbish and fly tipping at the roadside, protecting unsuspecting animals from the waste. Roadside rubbish can also cause harm to humans, from polluted waterways to cuts and injuries from cans and glass. Studies show that littered environments cause a high level of stress, whereas spending time in clean, open spaces can increase your likelihood of good health and well-being.
Flood Prevention
Flooding is becoming increasingly common as our climate changes. When roadside guttering becomes clogged with rubbish or soil, it can affect the drainage when flooding occurs, which can cause damage. Flooding on the roads is not only dangerous for motorists, but it can also be detrimental to the environment.
Property Values
Regular road sweepers in a residential area will likely make homes more desirable to potential buyers and increase property prices. In fact, a report showed that if you live in a neighbourhood with litter, it can reduce your property price by up to 12%.
Reducing Breakdowns
Frequent road sweeping can reduce accidents and car breakdowns significantly as shards of glass, debris and stray screws are common causes of car damage.
Looking for Road Sweeper Hire in Yorkshire?
We support a number of local authorities in Yorkshire with our prestigious road sweeping fleet.
With a 100% record of attendance, we’re committed to providing top-level service to all our clients. From motorways to local roads and private car parks and land, all our road sweeping vehicles are satellite tracked, ensuring we can allocate our nearest available resource to reduce response times and our carbon footprint.
Whether it’s a one-off job, short-term or ongoing contract, we are certified and experienced road sweeper drivers.
For a competitive quote on your road sweeper request, please get in touch and hire a road sweeper today by contacting the RJC Team
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