Essential Tips to Prepare for Flooding


The last few months have seen unprecedented levels of rain for many areas across Yorkshire. Although rain is expected over the winter months, such high levels of rain can strike unexpectedly, wreaking havoc on homes and communities. Being prepared is key to minimising damage and ensuring the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

Tips to prepare for flooding

Here are some essential tips to help you prepare for flooding and navigate through these challenging situations.

  • Create an Emergency Kit:

Assemble a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essential items such as non-perishable food, water, medications, first aid supplies, flashlight, batteries, a multi-tool, and important documents. Keep this kit in an easily accessible and waterproof container.

  • Develop a Family Emergency Plan:

Outline a clear evacuation plan with designated meeting points and communication methods. Ensure all family members are familiar with the plan and practice emergency drills regularly. Have a list of emergency contacts readily available.

  • Stay Informed:

Keep a close eye on weather forecasts and warnings. Use weather apps, local news, and alerts to stay informed about potential flooding in your area. Being aware of the situation will give you a head start on taking necessary precautions.

  • Elevate Valuables and Appliances:

If you live in an area prone to flooding, consider elevating your appliances, electrical systems, and valuable items. Move furniture and electronics to higher ground to prevent damage. This can be especially important for basements and ground-level living spaces.

  • Invest in Flood Insurance:

Standard homeowners’ insurance may not cover flood damage. Invest in a separate flood insurance policy to ensure financial protection in case of flooding. It’s essential to understand the coverage limits and terms of your policy.

  • Protect Your Property:

Install check valves in your plumbing to prevent floodwater from backing up into your drains. Waterproof your basement and use sandbags strategically to divert water away from your home. Consider elevating your electrical system above potential flood levels.

  • Secure Important Documents:

Keep important documents such as insurance policies, identification, medical records, and financial papers in a waterproof and portable container. In case of evacuation, you’ll have essential information readily available.

  • Know Evacuation Routes:

Familiarise yourself with local evacuation routes and have multiple options in case roads become impassable. Keep in mind that bridges and low-lying areas may be flooded, so plan alternative routes.

  • Stay Calm and Follow Authorities’ Instructions:

In the event of a flood, stay calm and follow the instructions of local authorities. If evacuation orders are issued, adhere to them promptly. Avoid driving or walking through flooded areas, as water levels can be deceptive and pose serious risks.

By following these tips and taking proactive measures, you can significantly improve your preparedness for flooding. Remember that safety should be the top priority, and staying informed and organised can make a significant difference in how you navigate through these challenging situations.

RJC Flood Clear Up Services

Once the flood water has subsided, RJC Plant Services has substantial experience in flood clear up and can assist clearing roads and pathways. Our trained team is on hand to clear away debris and waste safely, legally and efficiently. With Yorkshire roadsweeper and grab hire available, please do get in touch at or call 07563 244913 for availability.


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